Monday, May 24

I got to use uncle Ian's snare today, and it was great.
This morning's worship was a blast. I had such a wonderful
time. I enjoyed myself very much in worship and played
my tiny heart out while God did the rest. It was awesome.

We might've opened new doors to a whole new musical
journey tonight. We'll definitely be progressing in our skills,
and probably venturing into new posibilities with Ben. And
it's cool that all our names start with a 'B'. Praise God for
new opportunities, regardless of music or earning money.

Bry, God's seeing us through and providing us with many
things. Even though everything might seem bleak sometimes,
how we ocassionally still see the forlorn shadows cast upon our
lives by the past and how we often don't appreciate our exsistence,
God loves us and is watching over us. And The Secret or not,
I believe that there's a charge over us; the way we were brought
together to go through shit, had some hard times and be earthly
supports for each other the past few years.

You know, I think. I was born to be a drummer.


[BMWJY - 12:16 AM ]


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